Arunachal Pradesh State Council for Science and Technology (APSCS & T), Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh has organised Mathematics Day on 22nd Dec’2021 at Arunachal Pradesh Science Centre, IG Park, Itanagar. This day is observed every year across the country to commemorate and honour the birth anniversary of famous Mathematician sir Srinivasa Ramanujan.
In this regards, the APRC&T has conducted various activities viz (Quiz, drawing etc.) and series of lectures by experts. In this competition 13 school have participated and VKV Itanagar has secured first position in all the categories-
Quiz competition – Senior Category – 1st Kr. Sudhanshu Rai, Cl-XI Sc.
Junior Category - 1st Kr. Anish Sen, Cl-VIII
Drawing competition – 1st Kr. Anurag Aryan Chetia, Cl- XI Sc.
All the winners were awarded with a certificate, memento and a cash prize of Rs. 2000/- each.