Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Joram has organized a parents meet on Saturday, 21st October 2017in school at 10:00 am. 94 parents , members of school supporting team , and the teachers of the school attended the meeting.The main purpose of the meeting was to analyse of the results of Written Test of Classes I-III & Term-I of classes IV-VIII , to have a common discussion for the further development of the students and also to create awareness about the new education policy (new schedules of exams).
The meeting was started at 10.00am with lighting of lamp with invocation song. The principal of the school Sri P. Surendranath gave the welcome speech. Sri Loknath Sarma introduced Kendra and its work in the field of education, he also read out a brief report of the school highlighting the achievements of the students , programmes and activities carried out so far in this session. Tikaram Upadhyay briefed the newly introduced education policy and also the schedule of different examinations of this session of classes I-III and IV-VIII. After that , respective class teachers presented the results of Written Test of classes I-III and Term- I of classes IV-VIII.
In the parents turn, some of the parents requested principal sir to oversee the functioning of the private hostels whereas some other requested to depute teachers to hostels and some expressed the need of special care for the slow learners and also to make sure the participation of the school in the various programmes , competitions, activities organize by the Government for the benefit of the students. Everybody showed their keenness to put their wards in the hostel of VKV.
Principal Sri P.Surendranath respond the query of some parents and also hoped for better supports and more involvements of the parents in the days ahead.
Meanwhile a science exhibition was inaugurated by Sri Likha Roja, a parent and well-wisher of the school. Students exhibited their creativity like- electronic quiz board, model of mechanism of breathing, periscope, demonstration of acid and base, model on effect of urbanization, kaleidoscope, model of solar system etc. The inaugurator Sri Likha Roja handed over a cheque of Rs. 20,000.00 to the principal for the welfare of the school.
The meeting was ended with vote of thanks and Shanti Mantra….