VKV Gaga observed the 7th International day of Yoga on 21st June 2021 in the presence of the few neighbourhood students. They were invited to attend the auspicious occasion. The parents could not attend the programme due to their busy schedule of the paddy field work. Sri Hemanta Gogoi briefed the importance of the day and started the Suryanamaskara with proper slokas.
The school also contacted with the 32 members of parents of Gaga and Nyapin and sent the videos of Surya Namaskara. Due to the electricity and network issue it was sent in the nick of time though they did very well. On the otherhand, maximum parents and neighbours were busy in their own cultivation work. But the three concern parents gathered the nearby students of the school and could able to complete the programme successfully. The total number of family members participated in the family programme is 23.