Principal Sri. Omanakuttan welcomedthe gathering of students and teachers. He recalled Yoga as Indian gift to the World.
Sri. Subham Trained24 Students for different Asanas who demonstrated: Bakasana, Mayur Asana, Shirshasana, Chakrasana, Padpachimotan Asana and Surya Namaskar. He himself Demonstrated JAL
Sri. Lallu M.R Presented V.K.K Activities in nut shell.
Sri. Sanjay Karkare explained how Swami Vivekananda was a Raj Yogi and Eknathji was a Karma Yogi and instance of Maharishi Vishwamitra and Vaisistha.
Sri Bhim Upadhaya anchored the Programme well.
Day Scholars were also present in the Programme and participated in Competition.
Football Match, Chess ,Carrom and Volley ball matches were played.
Students enjoyed the programme and were amazed to see the performance of asanas and shall be willing to follow.