Parents meet of classes VII and VIII held in the prayer hall on 25/08/2018. The number of parents attended in the meeting was very limited but the participation in the discussion was highly meaningful. The program started at 10.30 by lighting the lamp by Dr.Likha Aruna, a good well-wisher and parent of VKV Sher. Welcome speech was given by Principal, VKV Sher. Aims and objectives were presented by Sri.Sailendra Patowary followed it Sri.Raju Mishra delivered a speech on the new examination pattern. Parents were asked to give suggestion and ideas that can improve the education of the children. Four parents were spoken on this occasion that was not a suggestion but words to motivate and counsel the children. We noted down all the points and decided to work out on it.




Financial Assistance for VKVs

Financial Assistance for VKVs