The Universal Brotherhood day has been celebrated in a colorful way in our vidyalaya on 11th September 2018. The Chief Guest of the programme was Sri.Prasant Soni, Deputy Commandant 10th ITBP Kimin. The Guest of Honour of the programme was Sri. Pisa Kachi, District Treasury Officer and Sri. Nani Tade, AE, PHED. The Chief Guest was lighted the lamp followed by Sahanabavatu mantra. Welcome speech was delivered by Principal Sri.Padmanabhan V P. Following that the importance of the day was delivered by Sri.S Patowary. The prizes for Swach Bharat Painting competition were distributed by the Chief Guest.  The Chief Guest  had expressed his view regarding the importance of moulding a new generation for protecting our nation and the need of including such kind of things in education. Then Guest of Honours shared their memories with parents and the importance of keeping our culture very sincerely.  They were added the need of spreading the message of Swamiji in the society.




Financial Assistance for VKVs

Financial Assistance for VKVs