Prachodaya Shibir -2019 has been conducted today for Class-IX and Class-X students with a systematic and a well organized manner with the support of a team of VKV, Vivek Vihar Staff. We have got four Resource persons who are from different fields and they associated with our Kendra activities.
The shibir is inaugurated at 9.00 A.M , Chief guest of the shibir is Dr. SWAPNA ACHARJEE, SCIENTIST ‘C’ , Department of Science & Technology. Welcome address is given by our Principal. We have four sessions as follows:
SESSION – I : 9.00 A.M – 10.00 A.M
Resource Person : Dr. SWAPNA ACHARJEE , SCIENTIST ‘C’ Department of Science & Technology
Madam has advised the students to be active and don’t leave any chapters which is taught you in your school and recalled it every day before going to bed.
Boost up your confidence and treat everyone is equal and you are the army of intellectuals to lead the future nation. All should have the quality of finding solution for all
problems which you face in your day to day life.
SESSION – II : 10.10 A.M – 11.10 A.M
Resource Person : Sri. KHEMRAJ SHARMA,PRINCIPAL Arunachal Down Hill School
Respected resource person has given a guidance to improve the students personality and explained the quality of being an excellent student. Our attitude should be diverted in positive direction, we are aware about the rabbit and tortoise story, the attitude of tortoise only makes it to win the race but the attitude of the rabbit makes it to lose the race.
Finally he touches the academic part, students are advised to split the chapters into four units and prepare the content daily, weekly and monthly.
SESSION – III : 11.10 A.M – 11.30 A.M
Resource Person : Dr.Madhuparna Bhattacharjee, Associate Professor, Head of the Depart of Geography, DN Govt. College.
Madam has stressed the following points:
Convert non-sense to sensible and science should help us to lead life happily.
You should know your strength and weakness and you should know the subject which is very much easy for it and you to give more important on it and you have to choose the major subject in degree level. Always you fell that you are a youth.
SESSION – IV : 12.40 P.M – 01.40 P.M
Resource Person : Dr.Ashok Kumar Pandey, Associate Professor,Department of Commerce, DN Govt. College.
Sir emphasized the following points:
- Be polite
- Be grateful
- Be co-operative
Enhance the positive energy, Get advice and be attentive in the class and you can achieve your target.