In order to create a vibe for Fit India Movement in schools, Fit India Week was celebrated in VKV, ( NEEPCO ), Kimi from 22nd to 28th December . This path-breaking initiative, formulated by the Sports Ministry of India, is a step towards achieving the goal of nourishing fit kids for a stronger India. This week was truly a tribute to fit life, which can only be achieved through correct instructions and fitness awareness. It was done with the sole motive of creating awareness about the rich culture of sports in India through different activities.
This week-long celebration was marked with some of the interesting activities that brought the students and teaching faculty together. All the events were conducted under the supervision of PTI Sri Rituraj Bhuyan and Sri Prasenjit Dev.
To kick start the programme, an hour long Yoga session was organized on 22nd December for the students of Class III to V, along with the teaching staff.
23rd December started with a fresh energy, where all the students took part in a 20 minutes free hand exercise session.
On 24th December, poster –making competition was conducted for the students of Class III to V on the theme ‘Fit Body - Fit Mind – Fit Environment’. Through this competition, our students tried to create posters which depicted an inter-connection among all the three elements, viz. body, mind and environment.
On 26th December, Sports Quiz was conducted for Class III to V. This competition, kept for developing interest in sports, saw an active participation of 70 students. It was a written test of 25 questions, which had questions from multiple disciples.
On 27th December, a Krida Yoga session was kept for the students in the evening hours. In this session, several indoor Kendra games were played with full enthusiasm. Teachers also took active part in these games and showed their love for indigenous sports.
The last day of the celebration saw a culmination of different athletic events which comprised of games like - 50 m dash, 100 & 200 m running race, 4 x 100 relay race, skipping race, sack race, etc.