Gandhi Jayanthi Celebration - VKV Neepco Kimi
VKV Neepco Kimi has celebrated Gandhi jayanti As per our plan programme was conduted with great enthusiasm. Students were actively participated in competition as well as cleanliness drive programme.
VKV Neepco Kimi has celebrated Gandhi jayanti As per our plan programme was conduted with great enthusiasm. Students were actively participated in competition as well as cleanliness drive programme.
It has been observed that the students were keenly interested to take part in the programme. As per the expectations, many of the participants beautifully recited poems during the competition.
VKV (NEEPCO) KIMI has Celebrated Universal Brotherhood Day on 11th September 2021 in the school auditorium in a befitted manner. The programme sharply started at 10:30 a.m. with three omkaras followed by Eakya mantra. Thereafter, welcome song was sung by Km. Puja Newar (class-VII) and her group. Next, welcome address followed by felicitation of Chief guest(Anupom Buragohain), Guest of Honour(Mamer Ete) and Special Guests (Tasso Millo and Dorjee Jebisow) was given by the Principal Samiran Barua VKV (NEEPCO)KIMI. Afterwards, Vilas Palsokar sir has highlighted the importance of the day by saying that Swamiji has changed the vision of western country towards India by attending world parliament of religions in Chicago in 1893. Next, presentation of Chicago Address was displayed by Himutjal Chetia (Class-VII). After that, a beautiful traditional dance was performed by Km.Mimi Chongruju (Class-VI) and her group. Next, a Speech was given by Guest of Honour, Sri Mamer Ete (Deputy manager, Securities, KaHEP NEEPCO KIMI) where he focused on the importance and values of brotherhood. Thereafter, a short drama on the life history of Swami Vivekananda was performed by Karan Chetry, Daniel Flago and other students on the theme ' Stand firmly with truth'. Next, patriotic song was sung by Km. Madhura Palsoka(Class- VI) and her group. Afterwards, Chief Guest, Anupom Buragohain (Deputy Manager(HR) KaHEP NEEPCO,KIMI) delivered a speech by saying that, to bring changes in society, one must change himself/herself. After the speech, a beautiful Bihu dance was performed by Km. Florine Chongruju (Class-VII) and her party. Next, vote of thanks was given by Sri Manish Kumar, Teacher, VKV, NEEPCO, KIMI.
Lastly, the programme was culminated with Shanti Mantra and distribution of refreshment. A total of 124 people including School staff, students, parents, chief guest, guest of honour, special guests has witnessed the programme
VKV Neepco Kimi has Celebrated Ganesh puja .Overall the programme was well executed as per the plan. The whole atmosphere inside the puja hall was found auspicious and majestic.
VKV Neepco Kimi has Celebrated Teachers Day ,the programme was organized with planned manner and each of the event was successful.Within a short period of time, the students arranged the programme very smoothly.
VKV Neepco Kimi has observed ‘National Sports Day’ on 29th August 2021. On the occasion of National Sports Day, Rituraj Moran, Physical education teacher, delivered a speech on the significance of the day. Further, he highlighted the life of Major Dhyan Chand, the prominent hockey player from India. After that, a Sports Quiz competition was organized through online for the students and teachers. All the teachers and around 54 students has participated in the quiz competition.
Celebrated Krishna Janmashtami on 30-08-2021 with great fervour in the school premises. The programme started with chanting of three omkaras followed by Ekya mantra. Then, the importance of the day was highlighted by Sri Vilas Palsokar. Afterwards, puja started which was conducted by Sri Kailash Chandra Tiadi. After that, one bhajan on Sri Krishna was sung by Mangesh Bhurse. Thereafter, Aarati was performed. All the teachers, students, staffs and family members participated. Around forty four people were present in the programme. Finally, the programme was concluded with Shanti Mantra followed by prasad distribution. Besides a Bhajan competition through online was also organized for students of Class III – VII. A total number of 56 participants were there.
VIVEKANANDA KENDRA VIDYALAYA (NEEPCO) KIMI has observed Mananeeya Eknathji punyatithi as well as celebrated Raksha Bandhan in the school premise. The programme started sharply at 10:00 a.m. with three Omkaras followed by Ekya Mantra. After that, lightening of the lamp was performed with offering of rakhis to Swamiji and Eknathji by Samiran Barua, principal VKV (NEEPCO) KIMI. Afterwards,
Mangesh sir briefed about the life of Mananeeya Eknathji. Then all the teachers sung “ Hum Anuyayi Eknath Ke”. Next, Raksha Bandhan programme continued. The significance of the day was highlighted by Kailash Chandra Tiadi, Sanskrit teacher. Thereafter, Principal sir has revealed about the importance of both the programmes. Next, Rakhi tying ceremony started among students , teachers and parents. Besides, teachers and
few students tied Rakhis to the trees and plants inside the school campus. A total number of 46 members including teachers, students, staffs and parents attended the programme. A floral tribute was paid to Eknathji in the form of “Pushpanjali”. Finally, the programme was concluded with shanti Mantra followed by sweets distribution. After the programme, two teachers along with few students went to the NEEPCO office for tying Rakhis.