Science cum Art and Craft Exhibition Conducted - VKV Neepco Kimi
2nd November, 2019 ( Saturday ): A Science-cum-Art and Craft exhibition was organized by the students and staffs of VKV, ( NEEPCO ), Kimi. Sri Sushanta Deka, DGM, Electrical and Mechanical Dept., KaHEP, NEEPCO was invited as the Chief Guest. After the inauguration, Sri L. N. Handique, Principal, VKV, ( NEEPCO ), Kimi escorted him and interacted with the students regarding their models. A total of 53 models were showcased before the audience and the guest.
Later on, the honorable Chief Guest interacted with the teachers and shared his valuable suggestions and feedback. During his interaction, he applauded the sincere efforts of the students and their mentors. He said, “Students have done a commendable job with limited resources.” He also shared his own childhood memories and pointed out the bright outcomes of such events in the life of a student.