National Youth Day Celebration at VKV Amliang
VKV Amliang celebrated Swami Vivekananda Birth Anniversary as National Youth Day near four villages, namely: Chirang Village, Chameliang Village, Mele Village and Tafraliang Village.
Sri. Bagumso Krong, JE , Dept. of Power and Ex-VKVian and GB graced the occasion as Chief Guest and Guest of Honor respectively in Chirang Village. Likewise, Sri. Achen Krong PI, SSG Member of VKV Amliang and Chairman CALSOM Hayuliang – Goiliang and Sri. Thawe Mayu GB graced the occasion as Chief Guest and Guest of Honor respectively in Chameliang Village.
In Mele Village, Subedar Major Sri. Vijesh 9 Madras Regiment & Sri. Varsen Bellai, Principal Sunrise School attended as the Chief Guest and Guest of Honor respectively. I am also glad to note that Sri. Lagan Manyu, Advisor CALSOM Hayuliang graced the occasion as chief guest in Tafraliang Village and Sri. Khasa Gam, GB and Sri. Anupso Ngadon Principal GUPS Trafaliang was the Guest of Honor and Special Guest respectively.
Nearly 730 people gathered in different venues all together to celebrate the Swamiji Birth Anniversary. In addition, I would like to quote some of the achievements of the programme: a) involved village people for the programme arrangement. b) Active participation of the GB and village people. c) Helped to know the life of Swami Vivekananda and his contribution to the nation etc.