First of all I introduced Health and Physical Education Program, Physical fitness test and Khelo India Program as well as Health Card and their importance to all the class teachers in a staff meeting.
I am maintaining the year-plan, monthly-plan and weekly-plan ,which are regularly submitted to the principal sir, and also maintaining daily activity record.
I have been conducting Krida Varga for students and also for the residential teachers. The Military drill and Kendra drill for the students is also going on.
Our school uploaded the data of students of class I to XII on the website of Khelo India Program. All the tests are demonstrated to the students and the physical fitness tests are going on.
In morning assembly 3 times Bharat Mata ki Jai,3 times Vande Mataram and visarjan with Jai Hind has been implemented.
Class wise training of Mass P.T.,Suryanamaskar ,Yogasanas and Pranayamas is going on.
STRAND-1 Games –I have given the training of football and volleyball to the students.
SEWA- On the occasion of Universal Brotherhood day the students of class IX(A,B) and X(A,B) have taken the initiative of Swachh Vidyalaya Abhiyan.
I am trying my level best to improve my spoken English by speaking with staff members and the students.