The Honorable Education Minister of Arunachal Pradesh Shri Tapong Talohinaugurated the Prachodaya Shibir, the high achievers camp for the gifted students of VKVs in Arunachal Pradesh at VKV- Itanagar. Prachodaya Shibir is one of the highly appreciated programms conducted for the all round development of students in Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalayas of various Districts in Arunachal Pradesh. Inputs with the help of eminent personalities drawn from different parts of the country are given to meet challenges and sharpen their intellectual abilities. Students who secured more than 75% in the Central Evaluation conducted for Class VIII students attend this particular Shibir.
In his address Sri Tapong Taloh, Honourable Education Minister of Arunachal Pradesh appreciated the attempts of VKVs for conducting such programs like Utsarg Samaroh, Marti Puja etc. He told the students to uphold the qualities like discipline, punctuality, and respect towards teachers for success.
While lauding the VKVs for imparting quality education to the children of Arunachal Pradesh, he reiterated the Government’s commitment to extend all possible help to the VKVs to ensure smooth functioning of VKVs.
Dr.J.K.Bajaj, Director, centre for policy studies, New Delhi, Sri Sadguru Prasad Guruji, Su Radha Devi, Joint Secretary, VKVs in Aruanchal Pradesh were other distinguished persons attending the inaugural function.
The participants of the shibir will be exposed to the illumination by carefully selected Resource persons like Dr J.K.Bajaj, Director, Center for Policy Studies, New Delhi; Mananeeya Sadguru Prasad Guruji, Founder President, Vaisistha Sevashramam; Sister Devaki Krishna Sai, Faculty of Training Program , Sri Y.D.Thongchi,reknowned writer of North East and a recipient of Sahitya Academy Award , Dr Uddhav Bharali,distinguished inventor , Er.Pai Dawe etc in the three days residential camp at Itanagar.