Guru Purnima was celebrated in a befitting manner at VKV Tezu .On this occasion online literary competition and sharing of audio clips of self sung Guru Bhajans were held on 23.07.2021 for the students of different categories like Class I to IV, Class V to VIII and Class IX to X. Children actively took part in the events through online platform. Results of the competitions were declared through Whatsapp group and prizes for the 1st, 2nd & 3rd position winners would be given later.
Through Whatsapp group, teachers also sent short speech on Guru Purnima in Hindi and English and also sent Guru Purnima greetings, Guru Bhajans to students who responded nicely.
From 11AM to 12.10 PM under the guidance of Principal, teachers presented various programmes like Swadhyay based on the write up on Guru Purnima, shared by Man. Nivedita Didi, importance of the day by the Principal, Guru Bhajans by teachers and also Kendra Prayer etc.
On 24th July 2021, an online Bhajan sandhya programmes was organised by VKV Tezu from 6.30 PM to 7.00 PM in which 100 nos. of students / parents participated. Besides participants from a few others VKSs. representative of VKV APT also attended the programme. The Principal of VKV Tezu, while welcoming all the participants highlighted the importance of the occasion.
In this online programme, live Bhajan singing was presented by a few students. A short speech on the singnificance of Guru Purnima was presented by a teacher, besides other usual agenda like Mangalacharan, Shanti Mantra, Kendra Prayer.