Universal Brotherhood Day Celebrated - VKV Tezu
Commemorating the historic address of Swami Vivekananda at World Parliament of Religions in Chicago, on 11th September, 1893 about his unique message of Universal Brotherhood and India’s spirituality to the West, Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Tezu jointly VK Nagar Samiti celebrated the day involving teachers, limited number of VKV Alumni and well-wishers on 11th September, 2020 in the Activity Hall of the school. There were only 35 attendances in the hall following SOPs of the Govt. and around 400 students and parents could join us online to watch the live show sitting at home.
The celebration was started at 9:30 am. Dr Ridhhi Dhawan, Medical Officer (Gynaecologist) General Hospital, Tezu Lohit Dist. was the Chief Guest to grace the occasion and Smt. Sailu Bellai, VKV Alumni was the Guest Speaker to highlight the day. Sri Suresh Kr. Behera, the Principal of the school welcomed the guests, audience and students and parents who were joining online to watch the programme, presented a brief report of the school and its achievement in the previous academic session.