A parent teacher meeting for class IX & X was conducted on 13th July 2019. Sri P. K. Pandey sir, Cluster In-Charge (Lohit) presided the meeting. The meeting started at 11.00AM. Forty three (43) parents of class IX & X attended the meeting along with the Principal, VKV Tezu with his staff members. The meeting started with invocation prayer followed by a welcome speech and purpose of the meeting by Smt. Jalimsi Krong Didi followed by self-introduction of the teachers and parents. Thereafter class teachers of class IX & X discussed about the performance of the students of both the classes, activities and planning done by the subject teachers where the following academic points were discussed –
- Remodeled assessment structure done by CBSE for the academic session 2019-20
- Design of question paper for the year end/ Board Examination
- Details of the changes suggested for VKVs class for class X.
- Introduction of two levels of mathematics for AISSE 2019-20.
- Result analysis of the previous academic year 2018-19
- To commence extra class from 01.08.2019 after school hours daily between 2 PM– 3 PM for all the students of class X.
- Remedial classes for low achievers for both class IX & X during Sundays and other holidays.
- Students teacher mentorship to start from 01.08.2019.
- Active participation of all the students in all activities such as school level, district
level science seminar, Children’s Science Congress and other awareness
programme etc. for all round development of the students.
Sri P. K. Pandey Sir addressed the meeting by throwing light into Vivekanada Kendra and its activities. He told us, about the journey of Shila Smarak (Golden Jubilee Year of Vivekananda Rock Memorial). How, the Rock memorial was built, the difficulties and challenges faced by Mananiya Eknathji Ranade. How Vivekananda Kendra took its shape, its objectives, and mission with the goal to serve man serve God. He also spoke on the result of class X of the previous academic session 2018-19 thereby appreciating all the teachers and parents for their support and asked them to maintain the good results in future too. Sir also explained the role of parents in shaping a child’s future.
Thereafter suggestion of parents were taken, where many parents appreciated the hard work of teachers for timely completion of syllabus, guidance and cooperation of teacher, students-teacher mentorship programme for the previous year and wished to have the same this session too.
Some parents suggested to provide written notice for all exams, integrated test, extra class, remedial class time table. Then the Principal VKV Tezu summarized the meeting by taking all the points from the parents and urged them to cooperate with teachers for the academic excellence of their wards.