11th September; Tezu: In tune with World’s observation of 125th years of Universal Brotherhood Day to commemorate the historic speech of Swami Vivekananda at World Parliament of Religions in Chicago, on 11th September, 1893 about his unique message of Universal Brotherhood and India’s spirituality to the West which has become monumental, Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Tezu jointly VKV Alumni Association, Lohit Unit celebrated the day on 11th September, 2018 in Tezu.
There was a prabhat pheri (Morning procession) around Tezu town in the aim of carrying the message of Swamiji to each and every doorstep of its tenants. More than 300 students & staff of VKV Tezu, Govt. Middle Schools; No 1, No 2 & No 3, members of VKV Alumni Association, Lohit Dist, DDSE department and media holding the placards and posters containing the message of Universal Brotherhood given by Swami Vivekananda participated in this programme. The procession was flagged off at 5: 30 am by Sri Tame Hui, one of VKV Aluminise from Amik Ringa Hall and it culminated at Vivekananda Children’s Park. Sri Ashok Atle, Nagar Sanchalak, Lohit Vibhag VK Arunjyoti addressed the august gathering preceded by Patriotic song and Chicago address.
On his maiden speech he showed the glimpses of Swami Vivekananda’s Chicago address to Mananeeya Eknathji’s toil of accomplishing Vivekananda Rock Memorial and foundation of Vivekananda Kendra and VKVs in Arunachal Pradesh and 125th Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda’s Chicago Address being observed in Chicago, America and participation of Man. Nivedita Didi, the Vice President, All India Vivekananda Kendra and her address in World Hindu Women Forum. The gathering was dispersed at 7: 00 am after the light refreshment. The second programme was scheduled at 10: 30 am in Amik Ringya Hall where our parents, well wishers, VKV Aluminise, members of IFCSAP, GBs were invited to witness the programme. The SP of Lohit Dist, the SDO, Tezu & the President IFCSAP, Lohit were invited to grace the occasion as Chief Guest, Guest of Honour & Special Guest respectively.
Sri Suresh Kr. Behera, the Principal of the school welcomed the gatherings and presented a brief report of the school highlighting students’ academic performance, achievement in various activities in District Level organised by Govt. Agencies and NGOs & the support earned from Dist Administration & Govt. Departments and vowed to keep on rendering the school’s as well as kendra’s service to the society in imparting quality education to the children
The Chief Guest, Dr D K Thungoan, the SP of Lohit, Tezu on his maiden speech, pointed out Swami’s love & patriotism for his motherland and his selfless service to the people of India and Swamiji’s participation in the World Parliament of Religion, and his message of universal acceptance and tolerance which was His nation’s belief and faith and Vedantic philosophy and spirituality to the humanity to the world in Chicago, America. Being a VKVian he became nostalgic and uttered his school life in VKVs and also became Swamiji in UB Day celebration to deliver Chicago Speech of Swami Vivekananda in VKV Shergaon. He urged the students to work hard to cope up with the present competitive world to succeed in life along with discipline which is also a vital part in one’s life. It had been his privilege being the Chief Guest and part of the function he added.
Sri K Karmakar, the SDO, Tezu spoke on the occasion giving more details of Swamiji’s life. His Renunciation & Service which was Swamiji’s mission in his life should be the principles of our life if we want to serve our nation and become successful. He appealed all the parents to cooperate the school and he also promised to continue his support whenever asked or required.
Sri A Gambre, the Special Guest, the President of IFCSAP, Lohit thanked the school children and staff for their invitation and being a part of the celebration and above all giving him an opportunity to speak on this beautiful occasion. He threw upon the light of 125th years of celebration of Universal Brotherhood Day in Chicago.
Sri Uttam Kumar Patel, a teacher of the school delivered his speech on the importance of the day. The concept of Hinduism which is itself the message of universal brotherhood which was made understood to the Europeans & Americans by Swamiji from that very platform of World Parliament of Religion in Chicago. Indian had never been an invader over others rather She had been invaded & attacked by barbarian Afghans, Turks, Mughals, Europeans, English & many more. Indian was the ambassador of world peace & universal acceptance. Swamiji advocated the idol worshipping and opined that the God is one and worshipping of idols is nothing but several ways & methods of worshipping. In our country we respect and worship every part of Nature and any form of life does exist. How Swamiji made the Europeans & English understood that their Christianity was not alone the supreme religion in the world through His Frog & the Well story. He also spoke about the Swachh Bharat, cleanliness of surroundings & areas. This is one of our mind sets. Unless we set in our mind we cannot bring swachhata anywhere.
A cultural show comprising of Saraswati Vandana, Patriotic Song, Patriotic Dance, Mushimi Local Dance, Folk Dance on Assamese culture and a Skit on social message was staged by the children to add colour and fun to the celebration