The Universal Brotherhood Day commemorating the historic Chicago address of Swami Vivekananda in the world parliament of religious on 11 Sept 1893 was celebrated in a befitting manner by VKV Tezu. The programme was conducted at Amik Ringya Hall.
Shri Danish Ashraf, IAS, the Dy.Commissioner of Lohit District, Tezu was the chief guest of the function. The Chief Guesat was accompanied by his wife Madam Ashraf.
The programme commenced with the ceremonial lightning of lamp by the Chief Guest with invocation prayer by the children.
The welcome address was given by the Principal Shri S.K Behera. He extended his warm welcome to the chief guest, the Nagar Pramukh of Vivekananda Kendra Arunjyoti, Tezu Shri Ngadongji all the guardians/ parents, teachers and students of VKV, Tezu to the function.
The Principal presented a brief report of the school too, before the gathering.
Thereafter, a patriotic welcome song sung by the students of class IV.
An excerpt of the Chicago address by Swamiji was presented by Kr. Shayan Phukan of Class VI.
Smt. Kanchan Mishra, a teacher of VKV Tezu spoke briefly about the significance of the day and highlighted the mission and vision of Swamiji, his clarion call of the World for religion, tolerance and spirit of Brotherhood.
The chief guest was felicitated by the Principal with a presentation.
In his speech, the chief guest of the function, the Dy. Commissioner of Lohit District, Shri Danish Ashraf, thanks the Principal for organising the programme and having invite him.
The chief guest exhorted the children to imbibe the teaching of Swamiji in their lives and inculcated the high moral values practised by Swamiji. Interpreting the true meaning of spiritualism, said that if we perform one job sincerely and with dedication, there is spiritualism in each and every act of our day to day lives.
The children displayed the 1st issue of wall magazine house wise for four houses which were unveiled by the chief guest and the special guest.
On this occasion, children of VKV, Tezu presented various cultural items like semi- classical dance, nursery rhymes with action, group dance, Rajasthani folk dance, Mishmi local dance, etc.
A meaningful skit on Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was also presented by the children, which was appreciated by all.
The vote of thanks was delivered by Shri Ngadongji, the Nagar Pramukh of Vivekananda Kendra Arunjyoti, Tezu. He thanked the chief guest and his madam for sparing time to attend the function, despite his busy schedule. He also thanked the Principal, all the teachers and the children for taking pain in organising the programmes and all the parents for participating in the programme.
The programme ended with chanting of Shanti Mantra by all.